Monthly Archives: August 2010

Vladimir Putin Has a HumVee?

Putin drives his OWN Hummer now.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is shown off-roading in his new bright red HumVee

Captain Cartoon just illustrated an Internet feature claiming Russian Prime Minister Vladimir “Bad Vlad” Putin grabbed one of those four U.S. Humvees Russian troops stole during their invasion of Georgia — and is tooling around Moscow, thinking he’s Arnold Schwarzenegger. Governor SchwarzeneggerTo see the story, just click the cartoon.

Starlette Universe Teen Girls Interview Elvis from Beyond the Grave!

The late great Elvis Presley was just poked in a satirical interview on the Starlette Universe website!
It’s an interesting combo — today’s teen girls with Elvis.
Author Kathy Johnson teamed up with former Cracked Magazine publisher and caricature artist Dick Kulpa to create this colorful cartoon panel.

Starlette teens interview Elvis Presley

Starlette teens interview Elvis Presley in this teen humor satire panel.

Former Weekly World News Editor Launches News-Satire Website

Dick Kulpa, former Weekly World News Editor, Art Director and creator of the iconic pointy-eared “Bat Boy,” has launched a news-satire website!
Combining satirical news, fascinating photos and colorful cartoons, Kulpa’s IUDEXonline generates a whole new spin on today’s current events.
You can see it at

Cartoonist posts doodles on web as “free clip art.”

What do artists do with their doodles? One cartoonist posted his online


Captain Cartoon sketched this between caricatures

for use as “free clip art!”
South Florida caricaturist Captain Cartoon — himself a former newspaper ad designer — recently posted relevant drawings for free use on his website.
“These were stacking up, as I thought someone could benefit from them,” said the captain.
“Clip art” — pre-packaged imagery — is utilized extensively in newspapers, magazines, newsletters and websites.
You can see samples here.

Starlette Universe features “Dream Interview” With Taylor Lautner

Pageant judge and girly-girl culture expert Kathy Johnson recently launched her “Starlette Universe” on the web, a site devoted to six zany cartoon teen girls and their pet schnauzer “Peanut.” So what are these “Starlettes” up to? They’ve targeted top celebs for “Dream Interviews!”

And, they’re written totally in verse.

Undoubtedly one of the “punniest” sites on the Internet, Kathy’s unique ability to spin verse after verse and pun after pun is a stellar attraction of the site. By day she’s a prominent Boca Raton, Florida attorney. But after hours, it’s all “pun pun pun till daddy takes the keyboard away!”

Aimed for pre-teen girls, the Starlette Universe is enjoyable by all ages…and the site is chock-filled with color, cartoon, whimsy and just plain fun. There’s even a poetic page- which incorporates virtually every fashion outlet in the country written into the verse — with links!

Most importantly, there’s lots of helpful, teen and pre-teen girl sage advice, issued by the pro who knows — through her cartoon Starlettes. After all, her daughter eventually became a “Miss Vermont.”

Kathy’s written a 54-chapter novel featuring the Starlettes — and her trademark rhyme.

Check out the Starlette Universe — and this satirical panel authored by Kathy and illustrated by Captain Cartoon!

Starlettes Dream Interview: Taylor Lautner

Starlettes dream of interviewing Taylor Lautner, as shown in the cartoon satire filled with ditties only your teen daughters would know.


Kids Turn Tables on Caricature Artist — and Draw Him!

Caricature of Captain Cartoon

Captain Cartoon

Sea Captain lookalike Captain Cartoon is undoubtedly one of the most “caricatured” caricature artists in the country!

But it’s not other pros drawing him — it’s kids (and some older folks too!)

Girl drawing Captain Cartoon

Determined birthday girl draws a caricature of the Captain

“I seem to bring out the “artist” in people, says the South Florida caricaturist-cartoonist. “And any way you can stimulate a person’s artistic side, that’s always a good thing.”

One 8-year-old birthday girl asserted that she intended to draw Captain Cartoon, sat in his chair, and proceeded to whip out a 4-minute caricature! “Her lines were solid and clear”, says the Captain, who has since posted it on his website (and also, on this page.)

Girl's drawing of Captain Cartoon

Here's the Birthday Girl's artwork.

“She didn’t want to tackle the hat, but that’s OK. She has lots of talent,” he said.

Another 8-year-old girl penned the Captain at her mom’s 40th birthday party. “She was courageous,” he says. “She dared to draw my hat.”

“And she gave me lots of hair!”

But it’s not just kids. A woman celebrating her 50th birthday commandeered his paper and markers and drew a very colorful caricature of the astonished artist.

This past May a 40-something man recently sketched the Captain at a block/birthday party.  “It looked like something you’d see in the New Yorker, it was that good” said the Captain.

Doodle of Captain Cartoon

Man made this sketch of the Captain at a block party.

From time to time prominent South Florida watercolor artist Carol Ann Sherman (see photos here) stops by a local restaurant and sketches him. “Her work is beautiful.” he says. “And folks waiting for restaurant tables get a big kick out of it.”

“One I am very proud of is a thank you sketch several little girls drew at a birthday party, says the Cartoon Captain. “You know you did right by them when you get one of these.”

woman sketch of caricature artist

Woman sketched Captain Cartoon at her 50th birthday party

caricature of Captain Cartoon

Young girls teamed up on the "thank you" sketch

There are lots more kid-drawn sketches of Captain Cartoon on the Captain’s “Kids Fun Zone” section of his official site.

“Everyone at these parties loves to see the tables turned on me” the Captain says. “The way I see it, it’s all part of the show.”