Category Archives: education

My Take on the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Travesty

As a caricature artist I’ve drawn many thousands of kids – particularly young tourists from the northeast – since 2005.  Recently at the Sailfish Marina on Singer Island (Florida), I counted a number of childrens from Connecticut as having caricatures done. That’s because I always ask where they’re hailing from.

I conceivably could have drawn one of those children, though I’ll probably never know this. One thing is certain, however: I will never get to draw them now.

This is MY take on this senseless debacle.

Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting - Santa is weeping

Cartoon shows a grief-stricken Santa crying in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings.

A “printable” version of this has been added to my home website.

Cartoonist Launches Anti-Gang Hero ‘Gangbuster’ as a Free E-Comic Book

anti-gang superhero

Kids see Gangbuster as "a cool dude."

“Gangs are bad, you know it’s true, don’t let bad guys fool you. Read this book, and I’ll detail, why joining gangs leads to jail.” — Gangbuster

The anti-gang comic book Gangbuster, available in hard copy newsprint form for 25 years, has now been posted online as a free downloadable E-booklet.

Plotted and drawn by South Florida cartoonist Captain Cartoon, Gangbuster was created as a preventative communications tool in support of ongoing efforts against the ever-growing proliferation of street gangs. “As compared to ‘boring’ brochures and like materials, kids readily open a comic book,” says the Captain. “Gangbuster combines adventure, color — and an important message — kids find easy to digest.”

Agencies see the book as an ideal bridge-builder with youth, and kids who read the booklet overwhelmingly agree with its all-important message that “youth gang activity is bad news.”

Gangbuster comics have been distributed by police departments and youth gang agencies in four states, and interest in this unique presentation is growing. “I’ve received hundreds of inquiry letters seeking sample copies,” says the Captain. “And today’s cash-strapped agencies need all the help they can get.”

“Our recent E-Comic Book launch now puts Gangbuster within reach of anyone and everyone.”

“What intrigues me the most about this edition is its longevity,” reveals the Captain. “While I’ve updated Gangbusters look to fit the times, the message has stayed the same. In terms of criticism, there’s been absolutely none.”

“Of course, Gangbuster was assembled with advice and input from a number of youth counselors, editors and youth culture experts,” he added. “I simply functioned as a ‘tool’ for the counselors when I put Gangbuster together.”

Captain Cartoon is former publisher of Cracked Magazine and former editor of Weekly World News.

Read the Gangbuster E-Comic Book here.